Photo 135: Introduction to Photojournalism

Instructor: Sue Leith,                  Office Hours Monday 1 -2pm MRP 2011




The purpose of this course is to familiarize students with the material techniques and approach of contemporary photojournalists in newspapers, magazines and related publications. Editorial criteria, copyright and ethics are emphasized.  Images may be created using digital or film cameras but must be digital for critiques and submissions.

It is helpful, though not mandatory, to have some experience with a Mac computer and Photoshop. Prerequisite - Photo 40.


BOOKS & Supplies  

Required Reading.  Kobre, Kenneth: Photojournalism The ProfessionalsÕ Approach                 

Focal Press, 5th edition



All components of these assignments must be created from your own photographs. All photographs must be appropriate for editorial use by a magazine or newspaper. Ethical, legal and community standards adhered to by the mainstream press, as discussed in lectures and in the required text, should be observed. There are no required number of rolls of film (or the digital equivalent) however, students should expect to shoot 10 (or more) rolls in order to create a successful portfolio.



A: One, 10 minute in-class presentation of a current or past photojournalist.

B: Two class critiques.

C: Exam covering required reading, lectures, guest speakers and videos.

D: Final Portfolio of 12, captioned, publication quality images, including at least 5 of 6 required categories below.



1. Portrait                                                      4. News

2. Feature                                         5. Illustration

3. Sports                                           6. Photo Essay (3-5 images)



Regular attendance and participation in class, as well as prompt observance of deadlines will be considered in grading. Missing more than three lectures will result in the loss of one letter grade for the course. 








Grading will be based on the following:

1. In-class presentation of past or current photojournalist:  20%

2. Critiques (2): 10% each

3. Exam: 20%

4. Final portfolio: 30%

5. Required on-time reading and class participation: 10%

            (Occasional surprise quizzes may be used to verify required reading)



Image Evaluation

These factors will be considered in grading images submitted:

1. Technical quality of image

2. Success in assignment execution including clarity, originality and appropriate for category.

3. Graphic and narrative qualities of images

4. Emotional impact and/or intimacy with subject

5. Captions



October 12 is the last day to drop for a serious and compelling reason.  This requires the permission of the instructor, Design Chair, and the Dean of The College of Arts and Letters.


Incomplete grades are discouraged since there is no space available in the darkroom or computer lab for students not registered in class during a given semester. Incomplete grades require a serious and compelling reason, as well as instructor and department chair permission.


Makeup exams require a serious and compelling reason.


Disability Accommodations If you require accommodation or assistance with assignments, tests, attendance, etc. you need to provide disability documentation to SSWD, Lassen Hall 1008, 916.278.6955. Please also notify the instructor by the beginning of the 3rd week of the semester.


Reserve book room

For help with your in-class presentations there are books available on a first come first serve basis in the reserve book room.

Reserve Book Room Hours: Monday – Thursday: 8 a.m. – 9 p.m. Friday – 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.

Saturday – 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. and Sunday – 1 p.m. – 9 p.m.

Address: RBR, Library, 2000 State University Drive East, Sacramento, CA 95819

Phone: 278.6876






Class/REading/Speaker schedule


Sept. 5th Wed: Intro


Sept. 10th Mon: History, Chapter 15

Sept 12th Wed: Assignment, Chapter 1


Sept. 17th Mon: Portraits & Illustrations, Chapters 6 & 9 - Guest speaker Kevin German

Sept. 19th Wed: Exercise: shoot a portrait on campus


Sept. 24thMon: Portrait Slide Show

Sept 26th Wed: CHANGE: No speaker today: Photojournalism & Photoshop: Bring 2 images to work on


Oct. 1st Mon: James Nachtwey, No reading due

Oct. 3rd Wed: CHANGE: News & Copyright, Chapters 2 & 3 and pages 296-297


Oct. 8th Mon: Turn in the name of the photojournalist for your presentation
ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊCHANGE: Re-read Features, Chapter 5

Oct. 10th Wed: Editing, Chapter 10 - Guest speaker Sue Morrow


Oct. 15th Mon: Open lab and/or shooting day, No reading due

Oct. 17th Wed: Open lab and/or shooting day, No reading due


Oct. 22nd Mon: Critique, No reading due, 4 images from at least 2 categories

Oct. 24th Wed: Critique, No reading due, 4 images from at least 2 categories


Oct. 29th Mon: Stories/Issues, Chapters 4 & 8- Guest speaker Jose Luis Villegas

Oct. 31st Wed: Halloween, Open lab and/or shooting day – good day for news/features


Nov. 5th Mon: Student Presentations

Nov. 7th Wed: Student Presentations


Nov. 12th Mon: Campus closed, no class

Nov. 14th Wed: Ethics/Legal, Chapters 13 & 14 - Guest speaker Mark Morris


Nov. 19th Mon:  Student Presentations

Nov. 21st Wed: Student Presentations


Nov. 26th Mon: Open lab and/or shooting day, No reading due

Nov. 28th Wed: Exam


Dec. 3rd Mon: Change: Guest speaker Paul Kitagaki no reading due

Dec. 5th Wed: Open lab and/or shooting day, No reading due


Dec. 10th Mon: Final Critique, No reading due: 4 new images

Dec. 12th Wed: Final Critique, No reading due: 4 new images

Dec. 14th: Noon: Final Portfolio Due. 12 captioned, publication quality images including at least 5 of 6 required categories. See handout for sizing and naming requirements.


This schedule is subject to alteration. Changes will be announced in class.





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